Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Orly Taitz to be Disbarred Soon

Orly Taitz is the most incompetent "attorney" in the entire history of the world. It is my prediction that Orly Taitz will soon be disbarred. It is important for everyone that believes that Orly Taitz should be disbarred to file a complaint with the California Bar.

From the California State Bar website:

"All lawyers who practice in California must live up to ethical standards imposed by the California Supreme Court and the state legislature. As an arm of the California Supreme Court, the State Bar investigates and prosecutes complaints against lawyers."

Orly Taitz has NOT lived up to the ethical standards imposed by the California Supreme Court and state legislature. If the California Bar will not disbar her based on complaints sent by law abiding citizens, then there is a need to start a letter writing campaign to members of the California state legislature. Maybe they can do something about her unethical behavior.

You can get a form and file it from this website:


Orly Taitz. The clock is ticking...