So, here's how people are getting to this blog. Below are how site visitors found this blog for this, the 7th day of July, 2011 and as of this posting.
Thanks to Orly Taitz for increasing this blog's traffic originally by posting a link at her 'house of malware'.
More people are interested in the subpoena than her disbarment. If anyone is thinking Orly is actually making any progress, they're wrong. Orly won't be going to Hawaii for her deposition on the 8th of August - that is unless the HDOH ignores her subpoena and doesn't respond. Then, she might show up to their offices but nothing will happen. Something tells me that the person that read the subpoena rolled their eyes and called their legal department. Legal will handle this because Orly just doesn't have any right to view or examine the orginal birth certificate for President Obama.
Disbar Orly Taitz, the sideshow freak and not a carnival barker.