Yesterday, Judge Wingate who is presiding over Orly Taitz's ballot challenge and RICO lawsuit in Mississippi sent out this email to all parties involved in the case (with the exception of Orly's co-plaintiffs).
Subject: Taitz, et al v. Democratic Party of MS, et al; 3:12cv280HTW-LRA
> To: Orly.Taitz; sbegley; scottjtepper; hpizz; jmath; walter
> From:
> Date: Thu, 2 Jan 2014 17:35:39 -0600
> To counsel:
> Judge Wingate is requesting a conference call in the above-styled case on
> Tuesday, January 14 at 4:00 p.m. CST. The purpose of the conference call
> is for the court to announce its decision on the various pending motions.
> Please confirm this setting. If there is conflict with this setting,
> please notify the court immediately via email. Thanks.
> Twana R. Summers, Courtroom Deputy
> to U.S. District Judge Henry T. Wingate
> United States District Court
> Southern District of Mississippi
According to Orly Taitz, this case is of the utmost importance of National Security. How did she RSVP? She replied to the court that she will be out of the country from the 9th to the 19th of this month and will not be able to join in.
Of course, it is a foregone conclusion that Orly Taitz has lost this case. There hasn't be any activity in it since Judge Wingate notified all parties he would be releasing his decision earlier last year. The last motions to be filed were sometime in January of last year.
It's hard to believe that Orly is unable to attend this teleconference as we all know if she were to be asked to be on any type of show that she would most certainly make herself available during this time.
So, why does she not want to participate? Speculation here but most likely it is because she knows the defense has asked for and will submit a request for sanctions under rule U.S.C. § 1927 and that this time around it's going to cost her a lot more than the $20,000 she was sanctioned under rule 11 in Judge Land's court room.
There is also the possibility that she will have other troubles as it is was made evident during the numerous motions that to get past the requirement for being admitted to the court as an attorney pro hac vice, that Orly had an agreement with her co-plaintiffs in this case that when she was granted pro hac vice, she would act as their attorney and if not, she was a co-plaintiff. Taking into consideration some of the correspondence from one of her co-plaintiffs in this case, it is clear that she was under the impression that Orly Taitz was representing her in this matter - something that Orly is NOT allowed to do.
Anyway, it is curious to say the least that Orly Taitz has not posted anything whatsoever about this upcoming hearing where Judge Wingate will be releasing his final opinion on the various motions pending before the court. Why is Orly Taitz blowing off the most important lawsuit in the history of this country? Could it be because she knows sanctions are coming? The judge did explain that she was multiplying the proceedings unnecessarily and gave her a chance to dismiss her frivolous lawsuit. And it is possible that other actions will be made to finally stop Orly's constant abuse of our courts ie - Orly Taitz being declared a vexatious litigant which will mean no more lawsuits for her.
We'll be watching and awaiting for the opinion to come out on papers. I do believe the court was going to give Orly one more chance to get out of this lawsuit before imposing sanctions on her. I also believe that she is lying to the court when she says that she will not be able to partake in the telephonic hearing.
For further reading, here's a link to the docket in this case showing Orly's trail of paper terrorism. DOCKET
What is in store for Orly Taitz? Hopefully it's time for this: