At this time, there is nothing to prove that Orly Taitz has been disbarred. And there's nothing to prove that she has not been disbarred. The question I have is this. If Orly Taitz has not been disbarred, why is she filing each of her cases pro se? (Actually, I know why she files her cases pro se. She's not able to get licensed to practice law in any other state than California with the law degree she got out of a Cracker Jack box and no attorney is willing to vouch for her so she can plead her cases pro hac vice elsewhere.)
Orly Taitz is always claiming that there is great public interest in President Obama's birth certificate. There is also proof that there is great public interest in Orly Taitz being disbarred. Where's the proof? The proof comes from the statistics of this blog.
Has Orly Taitz been disbarred and if she has why has she not admitted to being disbarred? Inquiring minds would like to know.